Articles & Blogs

Utility Companies: How to Switch Customers to Paperless Bills

Utility companies' efforts to convert more of their customer to paperless billing have stalled. Here tips to get more to convert.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

US Postal Rates Raised Again

Postal rates have gone up 33% in the past 3 years. This puts a strain on companies still sending paper bills and statements.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Why Bank Bill Pay Services Aren't Enough: Discover the Benefits of Document Consolidation

For many, paying bills through their bank has become a go-to solution. But bank-offered bill pay is not a document delivery solution!
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Electronic Bill Presentment: Today’s Reality

Many consumers pay bills through their banks, which offer the complimentary service to attract more customers. However, document archiving is one bill-management aspect the banks rarely offer.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Enhance Sustainability Efforts Through a Consortium of Utility Providers

A greater positive climate impact can be achieved when a consortium of utility providers work together to get customers to switch to paperless bills.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

How to Increase Paperless Conversion Through a Utility Provider Consortium

By forming a consortium of utility providers, they can achieve greater conversion of their respective customers to switch from paper to paperless bills.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Fraught with Friction – The Typical Digital Document Experience

We all have pay bills to pay. No one looks forward to it and it’s not a pleasant task at the best of times. But when the process is filled with friction and frustrations, the experience becomes even worse.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

We Have a Bill Portal - Why Do We Need Document Consolidation?

Customers want to view and pay their bills online. They want to see their financial picture all at once, not in small pieces reported on each biller website.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Management Tips for Paperless Document Users

Most of us are used to organizing and storing important papers. But digital bills and statements from 20 companies can quickly become a mess.
Published by: Gary Stringham on

Entice Your Customers to Check eBills and Statements

Consumers say they want a better digital experience with their bills and statements, featuring more personalized summary information. Survey showed the longing for personalized summaries rose to 74% from 61% in 2021.
Published by: Gary Stringham on